Dr. Carla Calargé

Carla Calargé, Ph.D.

Office: Culture and Society (CU-97) 270

Phone: 561-297-3860

E-mail: ccalarge@achador.net

Carla Calargé is Professor of French and Francophone studies. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa (2006) and specializes in the Francophone novel of the Arab World. She is particularly interested in issues related to war, trauma, anamnesis, national identity, and the opposition to the rise of religious radicalism in the Middle East and North Africa. She has published several articles on French and Francophone literature and cinema. Dr. Calargé has been serving as Secretary-Treasurer of the Conseil International d’Études Francophones since 2012 (CIEF; http://cief.org/).




Liban. Mémoires fragmentées d’une guerre obsédante Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2017. ISBN 9789004343603




 Co-Edited Volumes

Front Cover

With Gueydan-Turek, Alexandra, guest eds. “De la case à la gouttière. La bande dessinée d’expression française et ses marges.” Nouvelles Études Francophones 34.1 (2019).

book cover

With Raphael Dalleo, Luis Duno-Gottberg, and Clevis Headley, editors. Haiti and the Americas: Histories, Cultures, Imaginations. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013.


book cover

With Michèle Vialet, guest editors. "Assia Djebar: Écrivaine entre deux rives." Special issue of The Cincinnati Romance Review 31 (2011).



Recent Journal Articles

With Gueydan-Turek, Alexandra. “Drawing (beyond) Melancholia in Barrack Rima’s Beyrouth Rewind and Lamia Ziadé’s Ma très grande mélancolie arabe. ImageText 12.3 (2021). Drawing (beyond) Melancholia in Barrack Rima’s Beyrouth Rewind and Lamia Ziadé’s Ma Très Grande Mélancolie Arabe – ImageTexT (imagetextjournal.com)

With Gueydan-Turek, Alexandra. “Unreading Beirut in the Age of Disaster Capitalism: Jorj Abou Mhaya’s Madinah Mujawirah lil Ard.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2019). DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2019.1686406.

With Gueydan-Turek, Alexandra “Introduction.” Nouvelles Études Francophones 34.1 (2019): 6-10.

“Une ville de marges: Quand la BD donne à voir Beyrouth.” Nouvelles Études Francophones 34.1 (2019): 30-44.

“Quand la littérature fait le point sur le confessionnalisme: Tribulations d’un bâtard à Beyrouth de Ramy Zein.” Revue des sciences humaines 330.2 (2018): 147-163.

With Alexandra Gueydan-Turek, “De la fabrique du réel (apocalyptique) dans la bande dessinée de Barrack Rima Beyrouth bye bye…” International Journal of Francophone Studies. (2017): 57-72. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ijfs/2017/00000020/F0020001/art00004

With Gueydan-Turek, Alexandra. “Des féminismes du sud dans Bilqiss de Saphia Azzedine.” Expressions Maghrébines. 16.1 (2017): 219-235. http://www.ub.edu/adhuc/en/publicacions/expressions-maghrebines-vol-16-n-1--0

With Jean-François, Bruno Emmanuel. “Masculinités, homosexualité et homonationalisme dans Le dernier combat du Captain Ni’mat de Mohamed Leftah.” Nouvelles Études Francophones. 30.2 (2015): 93-110. http://muse.jhu.edu/article/612230

With Gueydan-Turek, Alexandra. “Libération sexuelle ou aliénation textuelle: la Subalterne peut-elle parler de son corps ?” Présence Francophone. 85 (2015): 152-72. http://college.holycross.edu/departments/mll/pf/somm85.htm

“Clandestine or Conquistadores? Beyond Sensational Headlines, or a Literature of Urgency.” Research in African Literatures 46.2 (2015): 1-14. http://muse.jhu.edu/article/581738/pdf

"Libération ou autodestruction? Les 'réalités' fictionnelles de Le Jour où Nina Simone a cessé de chanter." International Journal of Francophone Studies 17.2 (2014): 159-176. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ijfs/2014/00000017/00000002/art00002;jsessionid=bmijoisabqkq.x-ic-live-01

"Saint Michel or Lucifer? Sporadic Flashbacks of a Burdensome Memory." Esprit Créateur 54.4 (2014): 115-131. http://muse.jhu.edu/article/565299

With Alexandra Gueydan-Turek. "La guerre du Liban à/et l’écran des souvenirs dans Le Jeu des hirondelles et Je me souviens. Beyrouth de Zeina AbiRached." French Cultural Studies 25.2 (2014): 202-20. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0957155814520908?journalCode=frca

"Rébellions avortées: Peut-on dire son non/m au Pére?" Expressions Maghrébines 13.1 (2014): 113-28.



With Alexandra Gueydan-Turek. “Utopia and Dystopia in Beirut: A Conversation with Barrack Rima.” Words without Borders. February 20, 2020. http://www.wordswithoutborders.org/dispatches/article/utopia-and-dystopia-in-beirut-a-conversation-with-barrack-rima